
6 Top Plugins to Turn a WordPress Site into a Mobile App

A website is the most important piece of the online presence of a business. That is why much time has to be spent in making of it. Moreover, one should look into every nook and cranny of perfecting a website.

The website should be made responsive and optimized for every kind of device. A responsive site ensures that all information can be presented from the regular website in a mobile-friendly manner.

Often it is critical to consider whether or not a mobile app is right for a particular website and how one can go about getting a good development service.

There are various ways by which the consumers use mobile apps. They are:

  • Upcoming sales notifications
  • Loyalty program management
  • Digital coupons that have no other online presence
  • Scanning of products to get more details about the packaging
  • Some special deals that can be redeemed while doing in-store shopping
  • Scanning of products so that that one can save items to the online wish list or the shopping cart, in order to purchase them later.

In this blog, we will discuss some plugins that can turn the WordPress site into a mobile app.

When you are thinking of doing this, you should already be having an estimate of how much it should cost to have an app built from scratch. Unless one can develop a mobile application his own, this work has to be outsourced to another developer or an agency.

This is going to cost a bomb sometimes. If one is already having a WordPress website and the cost of building an app is presently not affordable, it can be done by following the DIY approach.

Though initially the quality or the functionality would not be the same as the other professionally made apps in the market, one can still have an all-mobile channel available for the consumers to know more about the business and engage with.

Let us go through some plugins which help in a proper WordPress application development.


Androapp is the perfect plugin for the content-driven websites like newspapers and blogs. It is capable of converting the news feed and turning it into a mobile app-friendly layout.

There are some added functionalities, which makes it more suitable to be used for apps, including in-line ads, push notifications, saving content offline, image zooming, deep linking support, and custom theme and colors to match the site.


AppPresser is a mobile app builder that is very good for WordPress app development as it integrates very easily with the WordPress.

The use of this plugin appears to be a very easy way of creating a mobile app from the website but is not an ideal thing to be used for the non-developers.

This is because it requires a lot of customization in order to build the app from the beginning.

With the help of this app, one can design navigation, bring in things like Facebook login, Google maps, and camera connectivity, create custom pages etc.


Blappstais another very good example of a WordPress plugin that helps in WordPress application development. This is not only compatible with the Android and iOS devices, but with the Windows smartphones as well.


MobiLoud is a free plugin for application development, as listed in the WordPress plugin directory.

But, it is not a free mobile app builder, though it is a much affordable mobile app service whereby, the team is entrusted to build a mobile app from the owner’s own website.

There are two kinds of products in the offering.

One is specially targeted at converting the blog or news sites into apps and the other that helps all other high-traffic sites in making the switch over.

MobiLoud builds an iOS and/or Android mobile app, enable the push notifications, provide app updates and maintenance and customize the design with the logo and favicon.


Wappress is a site-to-mobile-app WordPress plugin that will not only save time but will also get the mobile app functional in minutes.

This is a premium plugin and is extremely beneficial for a blogger or a small non-profit who wants to have some sort of establishment in the Android app store. This app just takes the site and puts it into the mobile app layout. The work gets done in just a few minutes.


Worona is a WordPress app development plugin, which helps the users build Android and iOS mobile apps from the WordPress websites.

The developers who have developed this plugin are also working on new features that help the users create Google AMP as well as Facebook Instant Articles.

Worona is the best for custom upgrades like using a premium theme, push notifications, analytics and managing the app store setup. This plugin also does not require any payment to be made for using it.

So if you are thinking of converting your stunning website into a user-friendly mobile application, then all you have to do is make use of one of these plugins.

Just make sure it is satisfying your criteria and providing you with the exact layout that you always craved for. You can also get in touch with an expert agency providing WordPress application development services for getting the job done with ease.

About The Author

Merry Waran is a Marketing Manager at AIS Technolabs which is Web design and Development Company, helping global businesses to grow by WordPress Application Development Services. I would love to share thoughts on Social Media Marketing Services and Game Design Development etc.

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  • This is great. I did not know plugins like this existed. It is amazing to see how easy websites can not be mobile friendly.

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