Best Off Page SEO Techniques and Activities with Strategies

I have collected these Off-page SEO Techniques keeping beginners and intermediates in my mind. If you are an expert you can read this article to refresh your knowledge and Pro’s can check and suggest if there is any need for correction.

Instead of creating a plan list of off-page SEO techniques I have decided to contribute more to it. I have categorized all techniques in good, partially, and outdated.

I have tried to show positive and negative aspects of every technique unbiased. I have shared my strategies so that all people can get the max out of these techniques.

Topics covered in this off-page SEO techniques article are:

What is SEO?

Different Types of SEO

1.On Page SEO

2. Off Page SEO

Off page SEO Techniques

(Good Techniques)


Guest post

Blogger outreach

Social Media Engagement:

Partially )

Blog Commenting

Web 2.0 submissions

Question and Answer


( Outdated )

Social Bookmarking

Link Exchange

Let’s begin…

What is SEO?

Search-Engine-Optimization (SEO) is a major technique being used to drive traffic to the websites by obtaining top-rank placement in the (SERP) Search Engine Results Page like Google, Yahoo and Bing etc.

Basically, in SEO there are two techniques for improving website position called OFF-Page & ON-Page SEO.

In this article, I will recommend some the aspects that take care of off page SEO. But before that let me also clear a bit about ON-Page SEO.

About ON-Page SEO:

ON-Page SEO refers to the efforts we usually do at our website to optimize some website. It includes description, title, content, keyword stuffing, image, and some other internal linking etc.

Therefore on-page technique is related to structuring or making own website search engine friendly.

However, if we talk about the best trends & techniques for website optimization, according to SEO Experts “70% traffic can be driven through off-page SEO rest 30% by On-page”.

So, here we need to talk about advanced Off-Page SEO Techniques available in the market to obtain high-ranking at online search engines for your website to ensure that you could endure in it at affordable SEO.

Before explaining the Best trends & techniques available for off page SEO, let me also tell you something about it.

About Off-Page SEO:

 Off-page SEO is the most important and best technique to get more visibility for a website and make that popular on the internet.  With off-page SEO techniques, your website will gradually improve position in (SERP) Search Engine Results Page.

Google now updates its algorithm nearly 600+ times a year.

So, off-page techniques like Directory submission, Social bookmarking, Classified ads, Web 2.0 and a lot more are old & outdated to be used to make Google consider them as a backlinking activity or a ranking factor.

Below is a listing of Top Off-page SEO Techniques. Some point people might know with, but additionally, I have included a couple of innovative points that might be unknown.

Must Read: What Are Backlinks and Why Should You Care

(Good Techniques)


Here, the first question arises “What blogging is doing in off page SEO Techniques”?

Good Question

Well, a blog is one of the important parts of any website. It helps to bring new people on your website and improve the online presence of any business.

So, as an SEO expert, it’s our responsibility to manage the blog and take it in the right direction.

And interlinking your services pages within your blog posts help you to rank higher in Google and increase your authority.


We do blogging to engage our audience. So create long informative posts that can keep your audience for a longer duration on your website.

Instead of focusing on promotion, try to spread awareness about your services and product.

Include your industry base keywords in your planning.

Also read Top 10 benefits of blogging on your website!

Guest Posting

It is one of the most popular and safe off-page SEO technique. In this, we writing and publishing an article on someone else’s website or blog. In return, we get contextual backlinks for our website or blog.

All SEO experts agree on the theory that contextual links are best to rank higher and increase authority. Guest posting is one of the easiest ways to get these high-quality links to your website.

Benefits of guest posting:

  • Improves online authority
  • Brings backlinks
  • Increase your brand awareness
  • Grab the attention of the readers of the blog you have provided a guest post
  • Improve writing and help in connecting with like-minded people of your industry


Find all websites in your niche that allow guest posting. Approach them through email, social media, or contact forms.

Discuss topic that you want to publish with the moderator and ask them for link to your website before sending content.

Influencer/ Blogger Outreach

Blogger outreach, or you can say blogger relations, is quite simply businesses working with bloggers to create genuine, authentic content to promote a product, brand or service.

In my opinion, it is a better version of guest posting. If you want to showcase your services or products on big websites like HubSpot, TechCrunch etc. then this is the off-page technique that you have to opt.


In blogger outreach, you have to connect with a blogger who has established a profile on a reputed website. You can contact him through the mail or through his social media profiles which he had mentioned on the website.

Discuss your requirement with the blogger and try to convince him to write about you. It will be better if you provide a solid reason like a new launch or anything revolutionary you have done in your industry.

Social Media Engagement

Social Media Engagement is the major Off-page SEO technique through social media engagement.  To make a business, website or blog popular, engage with mass over multiple social media platforms. It can help to grow your business and to get more backlinks for your website.

In this technique, we share our website links on social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn etc. Social media presence will help grow your business and also help you get more backlinks.

Don’t forget that a social signal is also a major ranking factor.

Here are some key tactics of utilizing social media efficiently.

  • Always keep on sharing the content to engage the users.
  • Share other’s content of relevant theme.
  • Always respond to the comments of visitors and that too in a positive way.
  • Use engaging visual content to entertain the visitors.


Regularly update your social media accounts. Try to aware your audience about your product and services. Share informative articles

Share information multiple times instead of sharing it once. It will increase your reach on social media.

There are lots of scheduling websites like buffer and hootsuite which can make this task easier for you.

(Partially Good Techniques)

  1. Question and Answer:

It is also one of the best ways to get high-traffic by answering people’s question. To get high-traffic through question & answer, first of all, join high PR sites and search for questions related to your blog or website and give clear answers along with your website link to drive more traffic that brings visibility of your website.

Few things to consider after joining these sites and promoting your blog:

  • Be useful
  • Provide valuable and long answers
  • Don’t do self-promotion
  • Create a relationship having mutual benefits
  • Don’t do any kind of promotion for the very first month after joining
  • Provide answers only from your expertise


The name in itself has a micro in it which means small. In general, Microblogging is an online broadcast medium that exists as a specific form of blogging. We usually share a smaller piece of content that is specific to a topic. You can even share images, Videos or short sentences.

These small messages are sometimes called microposts.

Microblogging is playing a very important role in regards to SEO. These sites are a great source of high-quality backlinks and allow a user to share his respective idea in short words or sentences. These sentences can be linked to your actual website article.

The main benefits of Microblogging sites are:

  1. You can get good quality of backlinks from microblogging websites for your website
  2. microblogging websites help to increase the Domain Authority of your website.
  3. You can get the massive amount of traffic for your website from microblogging websites.
  4. Every Single backlink considers as a dofollow link.
  5. Less hassle to write a huge amount of content for a blog.
  1. Article Submission:

Submitting an article on high PR article submission directory can also give you a link to your website.

Hence, your content should be unique with high-quality content. Low-quality content might get rejected on High PR article submission sites.

Therefore you need to give a good title and content in your article. Most of these sites are old and they share link juice with lots of websites which bring them in outdated techniques.


Use only good quality sites. Don’t publish the same article on different sites.

Don’t even try to spin the content to publish on Different sites. It’s a complete waste of time because other sites will remove your content after some time.

  1. Social Bookmarking Sites:

Presently, Social bookmarking sites have become one of the best platforms to promote a website. If you bookmark a web page or blog on famous social websites, you can easily lots of backlinks gain heavy traffic to your web page or blog through social bookmarking sites.


Share links on only high-quality sites like Reddit. Instead of submitting links to 100’s of websites stick with some popular websites and try to increase followers.

To know the perfect strategy you can read my another article on how to do social bookmarking.

Learn more: How To Do Social Bookmarking Step By Step

Blog Commenting

In General, blog commenting is the method to connect with the blogger by commenting on his article. Meanwhile in SEO, link builder comment in the context of the topic leaving his website link behind.

I hope you had noticed that most of the websites have a name, E-mail ID, URL or Website field and comment box in the comment filed. You can find it below on every blog post. By including your website URL on the URL or Website field you are leaving a link back to your website.

What to avoid if doing blog commenting for traffic & backlinks:

1. Don’t comment on the blog which has spammy comments on them.

2. Try to avoid blogs with Disqus and Facebook comment box. They will not provide you the backlink.

3. Remain within your niche. Don’t comment on each and every website.

  1. Forum Submission:

 Forum submission is basically a search forum which is related to the website and business to make a connection with the community of same profile. It includes reply for threads, answering questions & quarries along with the suggestions and advice for the particular subjects.

  1. Blog Directory Submission:

 Blog Directory Submission is known for building a quality backlink. However, you need to choose an effective directory and a proper category for your directory. It could take some time to deliver good results, but definitely, Blog Directory Submission results stand out for a long time.

  1. Image Submission:

In this technique, you have to share photos on popular photo-submission websites. Before submitting your photo/images don’t forget to optimize them in a correct URL. Meanwhile, check all images whether you have submitted then with proper title, description, and tags, before Submission.

  1. Video Submission technique:

This technique is best for those who want to make their videos popular. To get your video or website popular you have to search most popular video submission sites. Make sure before submitting your videos; give a proper description, title, tags along with the reference links. It is the most popular technique to get quality backlinks from video submission websites.

  1. Info-graphics Submission:

These days, info-graphics has become most popular on the internet. Make creative info-graphics and submit that on top info-graphics submission websites.  Info-graphics Submission is a good technique to give reference links for your web page or blog

  1. Classifieds Submission:

If you have got an e-commerce site, Classifieds Submission is a great method for marketing & advertising as well as conveniently branding your items. The best part of Classifieds Submission is that it completely free.


Along with it, I also want to make it clear that only proper On-page and Off-page optimization work can give high-position to your website over Search Engine Results Page. The results are also based on the website’s PA, DA, and PR. For more information and to get the best off-page SEO techniques and On-page SEO service you must get in touch with the experts.

Here are the Handpicked article that you must read.

Akash Singh

Akash is the fountainhead of Google SEO Trends and founder of SEO Heros. An SEO Expert, a Wordpress Developer and a blogger by choice. His zeal to learn is remarkable (makes him sound like a walking SEO Encyclopedia).

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