Content is King or King is Dead Today?

What do we know about content marketing?

Content marketing keeps pace with the entire online business. It is impossible to move your business ahead without content on the Internet.

It would be fair to say that high-quality, optimized, and engageable content catches ‘Google’s eyes’. It is the green light to winning the garland in your niche.

Content works like a charm.

You might have heard a thousand time that content is king. And it is for a good reason.

Despite the fact, there are rumors that content is already dead for today.


Mark Schaefer has said once:

In a situation where content supply is exponentially exploding while content demand is flat, we would predict that individuals, companies, and brands would have to ‘pay’ consumers more and more just to get them to see the same amount of content.

What do these words mean?

They mean a lot. Bloggers and copywriters should think carefully before starting to write fresh content. If the content is not king anymore, it is already dead, thus is there any point in producing it in the future?

This guide is aimed at covering the essence of the content.  Why it is “king” and why the “king” is dead.

Let’s start!

Content Is King but Why?

There is no need to retell you the story of how content got its crown. I would better explain to you why it became a king instead.

  • It increases traffic

A website that has standard pages only won’t attract lots of visitors. If the site lacks a blog, it is useless in terms of drawing traffic.

People search for particular information on the net.

And their search queries are reflected in the content you store on the blog. The better content you have on your blog, the more visitors you will get.

Content is the one that helps in increasing organic traffic of the website.

  • It adds more value to your product

Content has the only purpose: to bring information to the masses. It has an educative and practical intent.

You can use content as a tool for building trust for your service or product as well.

I don’t say that you should promote your service via content.

You should communicate with your target audience giving them different pieces of advice, suggestions, and resolving their issues.

Show them that you are concerned about their problems, and you are the one who can help them out.

It is a cause-and-effect link. The more people trust your brand, the more customers you will get.

  • It generates more leads and sales

Any advertisement tends to engage more users who would become your loyal customers in the future.

In contrast to this, lots of ads in your content can turn your potential customers off.

Yeah, you can and even should introduce your brand via the content. Don’t overuse ads and promotion. Let people love your brand by themselves.

  • It engages more users

Content should resonate with your audience. If you see no comments, no discussions, no controversies, thus your content doesn’t work correctly.

If people talk about your service, it means they care about it.

Any kind of activity that revolves around your content is a good sign. A total silence harms your brand.


  • It is loved by SEO

SEO helps your content rank well in the search. The truth about SEO is simple and straightforward.

It states that if you create long-form content using right target keywords and add internal links to other related sources, it will push your website up on Google.

Furthermore, your content will help you get an excellent reputation in your niche.

I hope now you know why content got its name.

  • The first near accident to content’s death

Have you ever heard the rumors about “content shock”?

This event is the opposite side of what we call “content is king”. It has been caused by a massive amount of content that appears on the web.

Let’s get into detail and see why there is “content shock” on the Internet.

Just imagine how many articles appear on the blogs every day?

Thousands? Millions? More?

It is hard to utter an accurate number. Hence it isn’t that essential for us. More important is to realize that the biggest part of these articles is trash.

Probably, this is the reason number one that led to “content shock” in general.

  • Reasons to “Kill” the King

As I’ve mentioned above, the reason number one that triggered content’s death is its overflow.

However, there are a few more core reasons waiting for you ahead.

  • No amateur writing skills- only professional ones

There are no doubts that high-quality content can be written by professional writers only. It requires expertise in different business fields.

High-quality content differs from poor-quality one not only by an excellent grammar but the information it contains. A professional writer works like a journalist who investigates a certain case.

However, many instances point out to the fact that there are not so many professional writers in the online world.

The majority of writers are ordinary freelancers who put on airs of experts in different spheres of business.

That’s not true. They can’t create brilliant content. As a result, they publish trash that litters the Internet.

  • Quality of content is everything Google wants to see

If you’re going to write high-quality content, you will have to work hard as hell. This type of content stands far beyond random publications on blogs with low Domain Rating.

First of all, it should be well-researched, well-styled, and always cover the topic of the post. It seems like it is hard to meet all these requirements.

Yes and still your content must be readable and understandable easily.

  • No more short-form content

I won’t deny that we all care about our time and can’t afford to spend it reading the endless posts.

However, if we talk about rankings in search, long-form content is the leader here. Nevertheless, long-form content is a challenge that takes lots of time, efforts, and knowledge to be created.

The central question is how many words long-form content should contain?

This rate starts from 2, 000 words and goes up to whatever amount of words you like.

Otherwise stated, short-form content can’t bring any value to readers technically. You can’t cover a case study or in-depth guide in 1,500 words count post.

  • Is Death Postponed?

I’ve introduced your values and vices concerning the situation with content. Is it really true that we can see the content’s funeral or not?

Putting a few questions over here would be fair.

How long does the article rank on Google?

Does it take weeks, months or years?

The best reply to both questions is the following: “High-quality content always rocks.” If you need real evidence, then think about “evergreen content.”This type of content seems to live forever.

Writers don’t shy away from covering the same topics that attract readers over and over again.

It is like our life – full of ups and downs, but the content has been playing a crucial role all the time.


Yes, there are still cases when content doesn’t stay long on the web.

In contrast to this, a somewhat outdated case study from Marketingprofs claims that more than 2 million posts appeared every day throughout the Internet a few years ago. And the amount of publications doesn’t seem to decrease today.

It should be added that content is not just publishing ordinarily written texts. Likely, there is a wide range of opportunities to diversify your content.

How about videos, podcasts, infographics, images, motifakes, GIFs?

All these variations are a part of the content as well. Use them if you want to make your content more exciting and engageable.

Over to You   

Is content still the king or the king is dead?

This post has illustrated you a general situation with content. You noticed that there are solid arguments for content and against it. It is up to you whether to believe that the crown of the king has lost its glitter.

Whatever the case, nobody leaves the craft of writing high-quality content.

It is the best way to earn traffic to your website and burst into the Top10 of Google results.

Thus, go ahead and write another outstanding post and share it within the online space.

If you have any insights regarding this subject, don’t hesitate to leave them in the comments section. Would love to hear your thoughts.

And don’t forget to share this article on your social media channels.

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  • Well written & helpful post for every SEO professionals. I agree with your thoughts Sergey...! Thanks for share

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