If you are marketer looking to grab a share of the ‘cannabidiol market’ pie, there are several ways you can position yourself within the market to increase sales and successfully drive brand awareness.
Here is a look at seven ways you can improve your marketing ploy. Pay close attention as they can be a bit tricky.
With lots of marketers looking to reap yields from the same field, it is essential that you take a step back and come up with a strategy that is unique to you alone.
That means establishing a brand that rises above all the noise. Create a unique stamp that is different from all other marketing machines that sell CBD products.
Avoid becoming the causal marketer that makes the mistake of only wooing a general audience. What you need to do is to conquer a forte that you can work on growing over time – a market that cannot do without your presence or personal touch.
When your target audience falls in love with your product or brand, they will profess loyally; endorsing your product within and to their pipelines.
Just because cannabidiol has restrictions when it comes to its marketing, that does not mean that you have hit the wall.
Think outside the box; get more creative.
Use more creative content marketing techniques to create and present useful information about cannabidiol and insert links that lead audiences to your site – this also helps cannabis SEO. You could also ask influencers to mention or post your products. There are plenty of options.
Facebook, Google, and Instagram are no-go zones when it comes to advertising cannabidiol products. These media giants have stringent policies when it comes to the promotion of CBD and marijuana products.
However, there are several digital channels that you can tap into for bespoke promotional campaigns. For instance, YouTube influencers have been a useful marketing tool for cannabidiol products so this far.
Remember to include your website and those of the people you collaborate with, such as influencers and bloggers. Back-linking your site to their endorsements is recommended.
Considering that the most prominent social platforms don’t allow CBD adverts, posting paid adverts on channels that allow people to promote CBD products to their target audience is worth considering.
Twitter, for instance, allows paid CBD ads so long as no supplements or health claims are being mentioned.
Keep in mind that advertising cannabidiol as a cure to treat chronic conditions doesn’t, in most cases, pass the FDA’s stringent promotional standards.
In the CBD marketing world, it is worth noting that states are not all equal. According to the United States Farm Bill of 2018, cannabidiol that’s derived from hemp is legal for use commercially, but the THC composition in the said product must not be more than .01%.
The FDA doesn’t consider cannabidiol to be a supplement and doesn’t allow for it to be treated as so.
At the same time, it doesn’t allow for it to be added to food products. It is, therefore, advisable that you take the time to research your state’s law regarding the marketing of cannabidiol-based products and always stay updated with what is allowed and what is not.
If what you are marketing targets a specific group of people, it is vital that you research these people and learn more about them – where do they love to hang out.
On which social media platforms are they active?
What merchandise do they like?
Once you have an idea about who they are and where they love to hang out, establish a presence in their forums, groups, chosen causes, brands, and TV and radio shows they love.
Consider joining and becoming a part of their tribe. The more noticeable you are, the easier it will be for them to remember your brand.
Cannabidiol products tend to appeal to trendy, in-the-know people who must have heard or read about it from celebrity endorsers or colleagues.
The influencers you choose to work with should represent your brand and mirror your image. They should also be people who reach the same kind of people you are targeting.
The best way to identify an influencer to collaborate with is to know your audience and where they love hanging out and who they are listening to.
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