Artificial Intelligence and SEO: The Connection in Future

When we talk about artificial intelligence, the first thing that comes to mind is robots. But in SEO, what we are referring to is something more different.

It’s more on algorithms that allow devices and machines to connect and process data.

Now, how is AI connected with SEO?

Truth be told, AI has been used in SEO for years now.

And to date, it is continuously developing. Although it is still in its starting stage, in the succeeding years, it is forecasted that it will dominate the digital marketing realm as it will be used to develop new and effective SEO strategies.

As of the moment, AI is used in digital marketing to collect data, to identify the relevancy of content, and to distinguish customer segments for marketing campaigns.

Despite its many benefits in digital marketing, only a few companies are taking advantage of AI to boost their SEO efforts.

Modern Day Artificial Intelligence for SEO

AI is tagged as the future frontier of modern marketing. Perhaps because it involves a wide variety of capabilities and features such as machine learning, image recognition, search, and semantic searching.

Although most of the terms sound foreign, the most important thing one should understand about AI for SEO is that it is a system that is constantly evolving.

It is designed to sort, identify, and present information in such a way that answers the needs of a user at a given time.

AI for SEO is often trained to use different sorts of data such as links, content, trust, user behavior, patterns, and citations.

Once it gets a hold of data, it analyzes it to come up with results relevant to the needs of a user.

Is AI a Good or Bad Thing?

Obviously, SEO and AI are upon us. And they are not showing any signs of slowing down yet. We can still clearly remember yesterday when everything can be automated: blog posts, social media, and chatbots.

Today, a lot has already changed.

Then again, many are becoming alarmed because AI for SEO algorithms seem to have become more advanced to the point that they have almost exceeded what human logic can comprehend.

That is the reason why digital marketers are both scared and excited.

If there are no ethical guidelines and if digital marketers are not fully aware of the risks, what will happen in the future?

Will the worst thing happen to humanity?

We can never tell.

However, one thing is certain. Artificial intelligence for SEO is an advanced and promising technology with a wide scope.

How AI Is Molding SEO’s Future

AI has been molding the marketing realm. Behind it, SEO is following. When these two combine forces in the future, we’ll be up for something awesome.

1. Minimal Black Hat SEO Tactics

Black hat SEO techniques exist to take advantage of the weaknesses of search engine algorithms and be on top of search results.

But with the help of AI, black hat strategies will become nothing but mere memories of the SEO world because SEO will focus more on the relevancy of content.

There will be no more keyword stuffing; only informative content for everyone using the web.

2. Real-Time Data Will Have a Great Impact

It is said that one of the biggest impacts of AI to SEO is the efficiency and speed it offers to various marketing campaigns.

Not only will it help organize and sort keywords, but it also identifies their respective uses.

Since analytics becomes more advanced with on-the-go pricing features and a lot more, eCommerce businesses can quickly adjust their prices, even if they have to do it real time.

One concrete example of this is the pricing of Uber. Depending on the movement of the market and the users, as well as the time of the day, prices may surge or go down.

In the future, it is predicted that marketers will use AI for SEO to automatically adjust the prices on their product pages such as airline tickets.

3. Image and Video Advancements

Let’s say you want to learn how to make a paper airplane. Would you want to read a complete article with nothing but plain text or would you rather watch a tutorial video?

Well, the answer is very obvious. And search engines are well aware of that as well.

Simply type in “how to make a paper airplane” in the search box of your desired search engine. And you will be surprised to see videos showing up on top of the list.

These days, search engines are becoming smarter at understanding visual content like videos and images.

That is why, to be able to maximize SEO efforts, many digital marketers focus on video and image marketing by providing relevant tags.

4. Optimizing Content for Voice Search

Are you among the many online users who look for content by voice search?

You are not alone. In this modern digital world, people are using the voice search features of their devices to gather and collect information online.

In fact, people are becoming accustomed to the idea of voice search that they use it whenever and wherever possible.

Because of artificial intelligence, performing online searches is made conversational.

Soon, digital marketers might consider taking a whole new approach to optimizing content by taking on keywords that sound conversational.

A Quick Recap

Based on the information we presented, we can assume that AI will greatly change and model the future of SEO.

With it, there will be no black hat SEO strategies like keyword stuffing. Keyword optimization will sound conversational to make accommodate voice-based searches.

Also, real-time adjustments on information can be done because of real-time data. Lastly, SEO efforts will tend to focus on visual content because it’s obviously a big market.

Either it’s bad or good, whatever happens to AI and SEO in the future is something we should all look forward to.

For the meantime, let’s just keep our fingers crossed and pray for the best to happen. Hopefully, this power duo can help industries succeed and provide users the best user experience possible.

Author: Usman Raza is a marketing specialist at and BISE Pakistan and co-founder of Christian Marketing Experts. He has been writing for magazines and newspapers since 2001, and editing and managing websites since 2006. A generalist, his most covered topics are business and technology. Follow him on Twitter @usmanintrotech.

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